September 22, 2008

Step-by-Step Medical Coding 2008 Edition (Step-By-Step Medical Coding)

By admin

This practical guide prepares you for a career in medical coding with comprehensive coverage from the most trusted source in the field. In it you’ll get an introduction to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), as well as in-depth explanations of the sections found in the CPT manual, in sequential order. Each chapter in Unit 1 introduces various procedures and demonstrate how to properly code them. Practice exercises reinforce important concepts and allow you to test your comprehension. This detailed, up-to-date resource also features complete coverage of the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) and third-party reimbursement, along with 1997 documentation guidelines for E/M services, and Alpha II iCoder exercises.

  • Full-color presentation makes content visually stimulating.
  • In-text exercises throughout each chapter reinforce coding rules and concepts and emphasize the book’s step-by-step organization.
  • Concrete “real-life” coding examples allow you to apply important coding principles and practices to actual scenarios from the field.
  • Medical procedure illustrations and discussions help you better understand the services being coded.
  • Three varieties of answer blanks test your understanding of correct coding practices.
  • Coding Shots provide tips for complicated coding scenarios and advice for entering the job market.
  • Stop! notes offer a brief summary of material just covered to help ensure retention and understanding and provide a transition into the next topic.
  • Caution! notes warn users of common coding mistakes and reinforce the concept of coding as an exact science.
  • Check This Out! Boxes offer notes on accessing reference information, primarily via the Internet.
  • Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting boxes present the official guidelines alongside text discussions and visually indicate inpatient vs. outpatient use.
  • 30-day trial access to Alpha II iCoder introduces you to professional coding software and acts as a supplement to the main text material.
  • Companion CD provides a variety of activities that reinforce material from the text.
  • Updated text presents the latest coding information available.
  • Quick Check features immediately reinforce key concepts and test your retention and understanding.
  • New From the Trenches quotes provide valuable insights from instructors and professionals in the medical coding field.
  • Coders Index makes it easy to instantly locate specific codes.

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