January 24, 2009

Independent Medical Coding : The Comprehensive Guidebook for Career Success As a Medical Coder

By admin

The comprehensive guidebook for career success as a medical coder.

How to start and successfully run your own professional independent medical coding business.

Types of services to offer. Marketing tips. Medical transcriptionists as coders.

Numerous topics and resource lists. Covers skills vital to success; education; certification; coding systems; home office set-up; pricing; business operations; ethics; risk management; finances; taxes; contracts; Internet; confidentiality; alternate careers for medical coding specialists; and much more.

If you’re looking for a solid new career, consider medical coding — one of the hottest professional opportunities today! Currently, there is a shortage of qualified medical coders in health care, and as managed care increases, more coders will be needed. Here’s everything you need to know to be on the forefront of this exciting new industry.

Customer Review: An absolute “must-have” for anyone considering the benefits of a medical coding career.

Co-authors Donna Avila-Weil, RHIT and Rhonda Regan, CCS, CCS-P combine their expertise in the updated second edition of Independent Medical Coding: The Comprehensive Guidebook for Career Success as a Medical Coder. Independent Medical Coding is an in-depth guide to pursuing medical coding as a career – an excellent opportunity, given that demand for skilled medical coders currently outstrips supply. Chapters cover how to gain the necessary education, as well as cultivating the needed interpersonal and organizational skills; how to become credentialed; specifics on different types of coding systems; how to establish an independent coding business; alternative careers for a coding specialist; and much more. An absolute “must-have” for anyone considering the benefits of a medical coding career.

Customer Review: Not a bad starting point, but not an all-purpose go-to resource.

Donna Avila-Weil, Independent Medical Coding (Rayve Productions, 1999)

Looking for information on being a medical coder? This could be an interesting start, but it likely won’t complete your education.

Independent Medical Coding spends its first third or so going over some general concepts you’ll need to know in coding, though the key word here is “general”; you’ll end up using this as a jumping-off point to find more detailed books about the ins and outs of coding.

The rest of the book is devoted to more general discussion on starting your own home-based business, all of which once again is of a general nature and will probably send you searching for more detailed books on the same topic, if you’re looking to start your own business rather than code for a company. So this one is worth your time if you’re brand-new to the search, but be aware you’ll be buying more books after this. ***

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