December 29, 2008

Mastering Medical Coding

By admin

This practical approach to coding provides a solid foundation in basic coding principles with an emphasis on learning through realistic physician documentation. It prepares students to tackle any coding scenario, from routine to complex. Chapters begin with an emphasis on basic coding documentation and rules to ensure correct coding for ICD-9-CM, CPT-4, and HCPCS. Progressively difficult coding exercises incorporate newly learned skills as readers advance through the material. The worktext portion of the book and the companion student workbook provide progressively difficult real-world exercises that build the necessary skills of identifying the right codes from real-world medical charts. Learning objectives, numerous examples, chapter reviews, and coding reference tools throughout provide the necessary learning tools to fully master basic and advanced coding concepts.

  • Coding reference tools make it easy to find important chapter points.
  • Basic ICD-9-CM and CPT-4 coding concepts are utilized, simplifying the coding of complex cases.
  • Practical Stop and Practice exercises help you review and build on what you’ve learned.
  • Chapter review exercises include questions ranging from fill-in-the-blank to practical application.
  • Certification review is made easy by a bulleted summary of important points following each chapter.
  • A Coding Reference Tools appendix provides perforated pages that may be removed for quick reference in the classroom or on the job.
  • Text emphasis is on proper review of actual physician documentation and applying basic coding rules as important first steps in the coding process. This prepares the student to locate and determine the actual “diagnosis” and “procedure” to be coded from the physician documentation, which is a prerequisite skill for locating correct codes and very important for compliance.