December 31, 2008
The Next Step, Advanced Medical Coding: A Worktext (Next Step: Advanced Medical Coding)
By admin
This book focuses on physician and outpatient coding for medical visits, diagnostic testing and interpretation, surgeries, anesthesia, and all physician treatments and services. Everything previously learned in the basic Step text is brought together in this book to simulate the professional coding experience. It focuses on patient cases, some with multiple records or reports, requiring readers to differentiate between coding a particular diagnosis or procedure based on a visit to a doctor’s office versus an outpatient procedure at a hospital or similar facility. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details.
- Best-selling coding author Carol Buck has a Master’s degree in adult education and has been teaching in medical secretarial programs for 25 years.
- Actual patient cases give examples in every section of the text, cases with multiple reports provide different levels of difficulty, reflecting concrete, real-world situations that coders encounter on the job.
- Worktext format allows users to record all answers to the cases directly in the text.
- E/M Audit forms developed by the author to determine the correct E/M codes are provided, with extra forms included in Appendix A for use with other cases.
- From the Trenches feature highlights a different real-life medical coding practitioner in each chapter, with photographs throughout the chapter alongside practical advice & motivational quotes.
Customer Review: Good Material — Bad concept on CD
I count on Carol J Buck to provide outstanding study materials because I had never been disappointed. After using this book and CD I have to say I am disappointed. The book is o.k. but not as well organized or user friendly as previous and I absolutely hate the CD. It is ridiculous not to be able to check your work (pretest) and try again. Once you submit the pretest your locked out from taking this again. That is not how I study. I prefer to be able to retest over individual sections and be scored as I progress. The 2005 study guide was far superior.
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